Florian Winkler

Architect with a range of experience and expertise in residential, mixed use and commercial sectors.

Based in Exeter UK, Florian Winkler is ARB registered, has expertise in a range of project types and sizes, domestic extensions, change of use and renovation of historic and listed buildings.

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Why hire Florian Winkler?
Florian Winkler Headshot

Carefully creative

With in-depth analysis and creative thinking Florian maximises the potential of your site within the many planning, design and legislative constraints that exist.
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Understanding and considerate

Florian has a proven track record in planning submissions. He knows the importance of developing designs to the client's brief while considering local planning policy and national legislation.
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Drawing on Experience

Florian understands the increasing complexity of planning applications for development sites. He has experience in sites affected by constraints. These include proximity to railways and major roads, conservation areas and listed buildings. He works with a range of consultants including noise consultants, highways and drainage engineers, ecologists and heritage consultants who can be called on where a project requires them.
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Florian will add value to your project whether it is a development site or your own home through creative design which has been carefully thought through in terms of budget and practicality as well as site constraints.
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Services offered from project inception to completion throughout all RIBA Work Stages
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  • Conceptual designs
  • Planning applications
  • Building control approval
  • Working drawings for construction
  • As-built drawings
  • Marketing Plans and 3D images
  • Land Registry Plans
  • and more...
Conversion of a Victorian house in Exeter.
Select clients:
S106 Management Logo
Devon Property Partnership Logo
Press Properties
Dunmore Developments Ltd

Florian works directly with property developers and house owners

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“Florian was always available to provide a professional and proactive service on several of our projects, right the way through from managing difficult grade II-listed planning permissions to build completion. He is thoroughly pleasant to work with and we can’t recommend him highly enough.”
— Andrew Onitiri, Property Developer
Start developing your next project with Florian
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